速報APP / 醫療 / Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk

Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk


檔案大小:49.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 12.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk(圖1)-速報App

*** This app requires an active Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk license. See info.phoenixortho.net/phoenix_kiosk for details.***

Take Phoenix Ortho EHR|PACS|PM to a different level with Phoenix Kiosk, our tablet-based app for patient check-in. Developed by Phoenix Ortho (not a third party!) with additional new big updates, you can streamline financial and clinical workflows across your orthopaedic practice.

Superior patient registration

Tired of shredding old intake forms? Phoenix Kiosk has you covered – new patients can register from tablets, and returning ones can easily update their information.

Health history aggregation

Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk(圖2)-速報App

Phoenix Kiosk gathers general and orthopaedic histories and instantly transmits them into the EHR with their data points already linked to E&M codes.

Financial Streamlining

Real-time card processing allows your patients to pay for their co-pays, outstanding balances and installment plans directly from Phoenix Kiosk. (Available with Phoenix Ortho PM.)

Smart Forms

With practice-driven rules, you can automatically associate custom forms with patients, ensuring that any and all demographic, financial, and clinical data is viewable within their charts.

Phoenix Ortho Patient Kiosk(圖3)-速報App

Phoenix Kiosk Dashboard

A clear status overview of each patient’s check-in progress: co-pays, insurance, a check-in timer that alerts if a patient needs help… all so your staff can better manage how to get patients back to the exam room faster! (View in Phoenix Ortho all-in-one EHR|PACS|PM)
